GILES GILES (CARL RONALD) Original artwork for a Christmas card design for the R.N.L.I., undated

GILES GILES (CARL RONALD) Original artwork for a Christmas card design for the R.N.L.I., watercolour, body colour and ink on pasteboard, pencil annotations in the margins, mounted, framed and glazed, signed ('Giles') on the image, sheet 380 x 530mm., undated Footnotes: Celebrated cartoonist Carl Giles produced a Christmas card each year for the RNLI. In this fine watercolour, Father Christmas is depicted being rowed out to deliver a turkey, pudding and crackers to an RNLI boat marooned on a sandbank. This lot is subject to the following lot symbols: AR AR Goods subject to Artists Resale Right Additional Premium. For further information on this lot please visit
