c.1903 Werner 344cc Engine no. 5636

c.1903 Werner 344cc Engine no. 5636 For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website •Early model from an influential make •An older restoration •Direct belt drive The 1901 Werner is generally acknowledged as the first powered two-wheeler to carry its engine in the frame where the bicycle's bottom bracket and pedalling gear had been located, and thus is credited as the progenitor of the modern motorcycle. In actual fact, Gottlieb Daimler's Einspur prototype of 1884 had mounted its engine in the same position, as had various other manufacturers prior to Werner. The latter though, was the only firm with the foresight to patent the idea. Paris-based Russian émigrés Michel and Eugene Werner had built their first motorcycle in 1896 by the simple expedient of mounting a single-cylinder petrol engine, designed by Hippolyte Labitte, in front of the steering head of a bicycle, directly above the front wheel, which it drove via a belt. One of the first practical motorcycles, the Werner Motocyclette proved an immediate success and the brothers abandoned their cinematograph business to set up a factory to build it. Harry J Lawson acquired the British rights to the design and in 1900 Werner sold a staggering 1,000 machines. The Werner, however, was not without its shortcomings, not the least of which was the dreaded 'sideslip', a consequence of the design's high centre of gravity, whereupon the hot tube ignition would cause the fallen machine to catch fire. It is not difficult to imagine what an immense step forward the Werners' 1901 design must have seemed. An older restoration of an interesting model, this early Werner features direct drive by belt and has a Wrights saddle and a headlamp of unknown make. Accompanying paperwork includes a brochure, photocopied technical literature, correspondence, and a selection of photographs including pre-restoration images. • Un des premiers modèles d'une marque influente • Restauration ancienne • Courroie de transmission directe Intéressant modèle objet d'une restauration ancienne, cette très vénérable Werner possède une transmission directe par courroie, une selle Wrights et une lampe de marque inconnue. La documentation jointe comprend un catalogue, de la littérature technique en photocopies, de la correspondance et une sélection de photos dont des clichés antérieurs à sa restauration. It should be noted that these vehicles have either been on display in the museum or kept in store since Peter and Ulrike passed away. Their present mechanical condition is not known; accordingly, perspective bidders must satisfy themselves with regards to their condition, completeness, correctness, or otherwise prior to bidding. On notera que depuis le décès de Peter et d'Ulrike ces véhicules ont été maintenus en exposition dans le musée ou entreposés. L'état actuel réel des mécaniques est inconnu et les éventuels acquéreurs devront s'assurer par eux-mêmes de la condition, de l'intégrité, de l'authenticité et autres points relatifs à la qualité des machines avant de porter leurs enchères.
